
Click the Class title  when underlined for a class description, hours, itinerary; click here for registration information. 

Current  (Winter 2020)

Class title Start & end date Location Instructor
Bay Area Birds Jan 28 - Feb 23, 2020 Ed Roberts Campus, near Ashby BART Registration at GGAS Scalf, Lewis
MASTERBIRDING Feb - Dec 2020 California Academy of Science. Registration not open yet Dumbacher, Bartley, Mast

Upcoming (Spring 2020) - Registration not open yet

Class title Start & end date Location Instructor
Avian Evolution April 7 - May 12, 2020 Ed Roberts Campus, near Ashby BART Registration at GGAS Mast, Lewis


Class title Interesting Sightings Details Quarter1
Romance is in the Air Black Skimmers, Red-necked Phalaropes Bird List Spring 12
Birds of the Sierra I and II Breeding shorebirds, lots of water in the valley, Short-eared Owls, Swainson's Hawks... list (1) list (2) and story Summer 11
Bay Area Birds Roadrunner, both eagles, Lawrence's Goldfinch, Mountain Bluebird list Winter 10
Birds of the Sierra 1 Swainson's Hawk nest, 7 warblers, Red Crossbills list Summer 09
Birds of the Sierra 2 Wonderful Calliope Hummingbird, Williamson's SS and Dusky FC nests list Summer 09
Shorebird Migration 16 species of shorebirds including Wandering Tattler and Surfbird list Spring 09
Shorebird Migration Surfbirds, Wandering Tattler, Snowy Plover, Ruddy Turnstone, Black Oystercatchers list Fall 2008
Bay Area Birds Yellow Rail!! Eagles, Cassin's Kingbird, Ferruginous Hawk, Geese, Cranes, Ibis list story Winter 2008 AAS
Cranes & Geese & Stuff 2 Thousands of geese, cranes, swans list story Fall 2007 AAS


1 GGAS is Golden Gate Audubon Society; LWV is League of Women Voters across from GGAS office