This is a great opportunity to experience a wonderful part of California - the Sierra Mountains. The class fee of $100 for GGA members ($110 for non-members) includes one dinner June 10 at the San Francisco State Campus in Bassetts, followed by a one-hour lecture on Sierra Birds.
We have a great chance to see a variety of woodpeckers (Lewis's and White-headed, as well as Williamson's and Red-breasted Sapsuckers); Mountain Chickadee and Mountain Quail; Evening Grosbeak, Cassin's Finch, Hammonds and Dusky Flycatchers; Western Tanager and Calliope Hummingbird; American Bittern, Yellow-headed Blackbird - oh my, the list goes on!!
Instructor: Rusty Scalf and Bob Lewis
Provider: Golden Gate Audubon
Class #: Birds of Sierra - I
Meets: Yuba Pass, in the Sierra Mountains
Dates: June 9 at 3 PM through June 12 at about noon.
We will explore a variety of locations in the Sierra, from Sierra Valley, Bear Valley and Carman Valley to Yuba Pass, Sardine Lake and the Plumas-Eureka State Park. A detailed itinerary will be provided upon registration.
REGISTER at Golden Gate Audubon - call Stephanie at 510-843-2222
Lodging must be arranged on your own. The Sierra Valley Lodge, traditionally our focal point, may be reopening for the summer, but accomodation quality is ?? A list of suggestions will be provided upon registration.
Field trip Directions
A detailed schedule of the 4 day class will be provided upon