California Audubon's Watch List
Shorebirds in the Bay Area on the highest concern list (imperiled) include the Long-billed Curlew and Snowy Plover. Species of high concern globally include Black Oystercatcher, Marbled Godwit, Black Turnstone, Surfbird, Western Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher and Wilson's Phalarope. In addition, North American populations of Whimbrel, Ruddy Turnstone, Red Knot, Sanderling and Dowitcher are in this category.
US State of the Birds (2011) is a report by the Department of the Interior showing the importance of US public lands to bird conservation.
We often make trips to Sierra Valley in the spring, to see an amazing number of alpine meadow birds. The Feather River Land Trust is partnering with the Plumas Audubon Society to improve birder access to some of this area. Won't you help? A small donation would make an impact. Details here.
An analysis by the National Audubon Society reveals that environmental threats are taking a toll on some of California's most beloved birds, including the Pintail (96% decline since 1967) and Loggerhead Shrike (76%).
Folks have asked me how we can help reduce the catastrophic deforestation and loss of wildlife in Madagascar, where I recently traveled. I've written a short summary of my understanding of the problem which can be found here.