Alameda County 2012 Year List

Blue-winged Teal

Bob Richmond thought it would be interesting to keep track of how many species are seen in Alameda county in 2012.  We'll keep the list here.  If you see a species that hasn't already been seen, report it to the Yahoo Group EBB_Sightings.  That way unusual birds will get recorded, as well as first sightings of spring arrivals.

The bird list is from John Sterling, updated by Bob with a couple new species and status codes for the county.  There are 396 native species that have been seen in the county, and an additional 6 introduced species (indicated by I) have also been added, for a total of 402 possible species.

The Results

Here's the status as of October 31, per Bob Richmond

Code 1 - Common to Abundant -- 108 (all on the list have been seen)
Code 2 - Fairly Common --          104
Code 3 - Uncommon --                45
Code 4 - Rare --                         15
Code 5 - Casual --                      16
Code 6 - Accidental --                 11
Total Species Detected --           299






Want to see a list of birds seen in the county in 2012?  Click the button!           Bird List

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