Bob Richmond thought it would be interesting to keep track of how many species are seen in Alameda county in 2012. We'll keep the list here. If you see a species that hasn't already been seen, report it to the Yahoo Group EBB_Sightings. That way unusual birds will get recorded, as well as first sightings of spring arrivals.
The bird list is from John Sterling, updated by Bob with a couple new species and status codes for the county. There are 396 native species that have been seen in the county, and an additional 6 introduced species (indicated by I) have also been added, for a total of 402 possible species.
Here's the status as of October 31, per Bob Richmond
Code 1 - Common to Abundant -- 108 (all on the list have been seen)
Code 2 - Fairly Common --
Code 3 - Uncommon -- 45
Code 4 - Rare --
Code 5 - Casual -- 16
Code 6 - Accidental -- 11
Total Species Detected --
Want to see a list of birds seen in the county in 2012?
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Report your rare or unusual sightings on EBB_Sightings!